Your membership in the Takoma Horticultural Club gives you the all the benefits the Club offers and sustains Club activities for everyone. With Club dues, THC hosts public events and continues upkeep of the Centennial Garden. And, although many of our events are open to the public, many are just for members.
For only $15 per year you can enjoy these special members-only benefits and support all the Club’s activities:
Two plant exchanges
Two potlucks
Special trips and workshops
Please note: Our THC dues are now $15 for the calendar year
Your membership dues keep our club going and growing and are put to good use:
Speaker fees – virtual and in-person speaker talks
Meeting venues – when we hold live meetings
Various events, such as GreenScapes Symposium at Brookside Gardens
Meeting and workshop materials
Website development, maintenance and PayPal fees
Organization memberships such as the National Arboretum and Friends of Brookside Gardens.
Centennial Garden plant materials and improvements
In addition to joining...make a gift to THC
You may also wish to support THC with a donation. Gifts of any amount may be easily and securely made using the Donate button below. Or, opt to add a donation to your membership dues when you are joining/ renewing. All donations help fund THC activities! Thank you.
Support your club
Speaker fees – virtual and in-person speaker talks
Meeting venues – when we hold live meetings
Various events, such as GreenScapes Symposium at Brookside Gardens
Meeting and workshop materials
Website development, maintenance and PayPal fees
Organization memberships such as the National Arboretum and Friends of Brookside Gardens.
Centennial Garden plant materials and improvements
Option 1: Use the Membership Form below which automatically links to Paypal for secure payment by credit or debit card.
Option 2: Print the THC Membership Form PDF, fill it out, and mail it with a $15. check made out to “THC” to:
THC Membership
106 Melbourne Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Option 3: Join or renew at an in-person club event.
Please contact the Membership chairperson Carole Galati if you have questions about a new membership or your current membership.
Thank you for your membership dues and support of THC.
You will receive an email receipt from Paypal.